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Who Is a Candidate for Invisalign?

Who Is a Candidate for Invisalign?

Having a smile that embarrasses you is not a good way to go through life. With so many options available for improving the way your teeth look, there’s no reason to continue trying to hide them. One of the best options available today is Invisalign, or invisible braces. This innovative technology may be able to help you transform your smile without the hassles of traditional orthodontics.

Invisalign consists of a series of clear plastic aligning trays that gently shift your teeth into better positions. Practically invisible when worn, these aligners are removable for eating and cleaning. No dealing with a mouthful of unsightly metal, avoiding restricted foods, or worrying about food becoming stuck in your braces.

What types of problems can Invisalign correct? Some common flaws include gaps between teeth, crowded teeth, overlapping teeth, mild malocclusions, or twisted teeth. Issues like these not only impact the appearance of your smile, but can also cause oral health complications such as difficulty in cleaning or improper wearing on your teeth.

We have 4 locations.  Dentists offices in Ryde, Campsie, Kogarah, and Haymarket

Who should consider Invisalign? Anyone with teeth problems like those above is likely a good candidate, especially those who want to make the best impressions on others in their professional and personal lives. If you want to repair your smile without wearing traditional braces and have the choice of removing your orthodontics for special occasions, then you’ll find Invisalign very appealing. This applies to patients of many ages, from adults in the working world to self-conscious teens. Invisalign is a great solution for those who play sports or play musical instruments that might be hindered by traditional braces.

If you are unhappy with your smile, schedule a consultation with a professional who offers Invisalign as a treatment option. Find out if this treatment can help you, and begin your journey to a brand new beautiful smile.

Contact our dentist in Ryde for an Invisalign consultation. Office located in  Campsie, Kogarah, and Haymarket

Achieving Your Best Smile with Invisalign at our Ryde office

Achieving Your Best Smile with Invisalign at our Ryde office

Not every smile is perfect, so many people want to improve their look through orthodontics. It’s not just a rite of passage for youth anymore; people of all ages pursue new smiles these days. A modern technology that is stylish and hassle-free has been developed called Invisalign. It provides great results without impacting your life as much as traditional braces.

The first step is choosing a dental professional who offers Invisalign treatment, since not every provider is trained and qualified in this approach. Once you find the right professional, the dentist will assess your mouth and determine if you’re a good candidate. With the exception of severe misalignment, most people can benefit from Invisalign.

To get started, your dentist will take teeth impressions and X-rays to create a 3D image of your mouth. That helps determine your treatment plan, how long you can expect the process to last, and allow you to see your teeth at each stage. Being able to see the final outcome is a great advantage of Invisalign.

Clear plastic aligners will be customized for your teeth. They are hardly noticeable in your smile and won’t cause irritation or discomfort. You’ll be instructed to wear them for 22 hours a day for a couple of weeks as they gently move your teeth into better positions, after which you’ll switch to a new set of aligners in the series. The trays are removed for cleaning and eating, making them much simpler than traditional braces. Your normal oral hygiene routine isn’t impacted, as you can continue brushing and flossing as usual without the appliance in your mouth. Many patients also rave about the fact that their diets do not need to change; there are no restrictions with Invisalign.

A checkup with your dentist is needed every 4-6 weeks to monitor your progress. It usually takes from 12-18 months to complete Invisalign treatment. With proper wear, you’ll end up with a beautiful smile without having to suffer through the common complaints of orthodontics.

Contact our Ryde dental office for Invisalign.  Campsie, Kogarah, and Haymarket locations.

The Benefits and Risks Associated with Dental Implants

The Benefits and Risks Associated with Dental Implants

As with any surgery, there are benefits and risks that come with getting dental implants. This procedure to replace missing teeth is becoming increasingly popular, so here are some things to know if you are considering this type of treatment.

What are the benefits?

  • Appearance – implants blend in with your smile and look very natural.
  • Comfort – they function and feel like natural teeth.
  • Support – implants support your jaw and avoid a “caved in” look to your face, preserving your youthful appearance.
  • Sensitivity – many patients have less tooth and gum sensitivity after getting implants.
  • Adjacent teeth – neighboring teeth are not affected.
  • Durability – implants are usually there for life, not needing surgical replacement. Even if the artificial tooth needs replacing, it can be done without surgery.
  • Speech – dental implants allow you to speak clearly, as you would with your real teeth.
  • TMJ – replacing missing teeth helps prevent jaw disorders
  • Bone loss – titanium posts implanted into your jaw can help prevent bone loss and gum recession.

What are the risks?

  • Infection – gums and tissue may become infected without proper oral hygiene. It’s important to follow all recovery and maintenance instructions carefully.
  • Failed integration – sometimes implants do not integrate properly with the bone. If the implants do not fuse, they can be uncomfortable or loose. When this happens, implants must be removed and can be redone after the area has healed.
  • Sinus problems – your sinuses can be affected when implants are placed in the very back of your jaw, sometimes requiring sinus augmentation surgery.
  • Nerve or tissue damage – rarely, implants damage nerves or blood vessels. This can cause pain, tingling, swelling, or numbness. This typically is not a risk when a qualified dentist or oral surgeon performs your implant procedure.


Dental implants dentist in Ryde
Dental Implants: The Modern Replacement Option

Dental Implants: The Modern Replacement Option

When you don’t have a full smile, your self-esteem and oral health decline. Implant restorations offer a solid solution for patients who have lost teeth. Designed to look and feel like your natural teeth, dental implants will rejuvenate an incomplete smile. Dental implants allow you to eat the foods you love, speak clearly, and laugh with confidence.

Constructed from biocompatible titanium, a dental implant is a small metal post surgically inserted into your jaw bone. The implant creates an artificial tooth root. Eventually, a permanent crown is placed on the post, restoring the function and appearance of your smile.

Although you can replace missing teeth with dentures or crown and bridgework, dental implants offer several advantages, including:

• Durability
• Longevity
• Natural Appearance
• Stability

Before suggesting dental implants, your dentist will evaluate your mouth and oral health to make sure you are a good candidate for implants. If you don’t have sufficient bone structure to support the implants, your dentist may suggest a bone graft. In most cases, dental implants have a 95 to 98 percent success rate.

With implant therapy, an oral surgeon or prosthodontist will position one metal post in each empty socket. Implants can replace one or more missing teeth. Once your mouth heals and bone fuses with the biocompatible post, your dentist will attach a lifelike prosthetic crown. Care for the implants as you would your natural teeth, brushing twice daily, flossing frequently, and visiting the dentist for routine checkups.

Dental implants dentist in Ryde, Campsie, Kogarah, and Haymarket

Wisdom Teeth Can be a Pain

Wisdom Teeth Can be a Pain

Tooth pain can be one of the most uncomfortable types of pain there is. It can make your whole jaw and head ache, interfere with eating, and cause your teeth to be more sensitive. One common reason for a toothache is your wisdom teeth, which are the molars in the very back of your mouth that develop last. Sometimes they don’t even erupt, but they can still be there under your gums causing trouble. If you experience pain related to wisdom teeth, here are some suggestions.

Make an appointment to see your dentist as soon as possible. This way you can find out for sure if your wisdom teeth are to blame for your pain, and decide the best treatment plan for your situation. A dentist examination, which may include x-rays, is the best way to determine exactly what’s going on with your teeth. You may not even be able to see your wisdom teeth, but they might be growing improperly under your gums. Often, wisdom teeth need to be extracted to avoid continued pain or worsening condition. Luckily, wisdom teeth extraction is a common procedure that your dentist or oral surgeon is very familiar with, and can provide you with great treatment that will end up relieving your pain.

While waiting for your dental appointment, try applying an over-the-counter numbing gel such as Oragel. This may help relieve your pain at least for a short time. Also, taking non-prescription pain medicines should help. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen are both good choices to try, especially to subdue the pain when you want to sleep.

Remember that prevention is often the best way to avoid dental pain. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, and floss every day. See your dentist regularly for checkups, because problems with wisdom teeth can sometimes be spotted before you ever begin to feel any pain associated with them. This allows you to deal with the problem before you have to endure a toothache.

Contact one of our dental offices Ryde, Campsie, Kogarah, and Haymarket

Wisdom Teeth Q / A

Wisdom Teeth Q / A

Also called third molars, wisdom teeth are the last set of teeth to erupt. Usually, people get their wisdom teeth in during their late teens and early 20s. Although some individuals have no trouble with their wisdom teeth, many people end up having these teeth removed because they may become impacted and create dental health issues. Learn more about wisdom teeth with this Q and A:

Do I need to have my wisdom teeth removed?
If your wisdom teeth aren’t causing problems, you can leave them alone. Typically, wisdom teeth are crooked or impacted, which can generate problems with the surrounding teeth. Also, wisdom teeth can be harder to keep clean, so the risk of decay on these teeth is higher.

When should I have these teeth taken out?
For optimal results, most dentists recommend wisdom teeth removal for patients when they are between 16 and 22 years old. The formation of the roots isn’t complete, so you have fewer complications.

Are there any risks?
As with any surgery, you can have issues arise, but the biggest concerns are nerve damage and dry sockets. Older patients have a greater chance of nerve damage because the root has more fully developed. Dry sockets occur when the post-surgery blood clots dislodge.

Does my age matter?
Some adults don’t experience any symptoms until they are in their 30s, 40s, or 50s. You can have these teeth extracted at any point, but when you get older, surgery is more difficult and the recovery takes longer. If you have trouble with your wisdom teeth, contact your dentist right away for a complete exam.

Ryde dental office for wisdom teeth removal – Village Dental Clinic